Hi, I try to add cffi support in swig. cffi module is a fork of Allegro CL module. Everything is working as described in http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/swig/SWIG/Doc/Manual/Allegrocl.html?rev=1.3&view=auto except automatic array handling and wide char support. A few questions before submitting the module to swig: c++ classes wraped by a (defclass c-proxy () ((foreign-pointer :initarg :foreign-pointer :reader foreign-pointer))) (cffi:defctype :c-proxy :pointer) (cffi:define-type-translator :c-proxy :to-c (value) `(foreign-pointer ,value)) for a c++ class with name cname there is a (cffi:defctype ff_cname :c-proxy) i want to check if a cffi-type is an alias of :c-proxy and i use (defun c-proxy-alias-p (cffi-type) (let ((tp (cffi::find-type cffi-type))) (when (subtypep (type-of tp) 'cffi::foreign-type-alias) (eql (cffi::name (cffi::actual-type tp)) :c-proxy)))) is there a way to do that without accessing cffi internals? any ideas for array handling?, as i can see there is no :array type in cffi. for wide char support Allegro CL module use (excl:with-native-string (out in :external-format #+little-endian :fat-le #-little-endian :fat) ...) and (excl:native-to-string ptr :external-format #+little-endian :fat-le #-little-endian :fat) Thanks, Vasilis Margioulas _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/