Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:
Yaroslav, I'd be grateful if you could express the testcase in terms of CLISP FFI forms (not CFFI) and submit it to the SF CLISP bugtracker, mentioning varargs in the subject line. So the clisp project would have a bugtracker issue for varargs and a place where to post comments.
Hmm, sprintf under mingw not work with double/single-float without any varargs: check: (ffi:def-call-out sprintf-int (:name "sprintf") (:return-type nil) (:library :default) (:language :stdc) (:arguments (out-str (ffi:c-ptr (ffi:c-array-max character 256)) :out :alloca) (fmt ffi:c-string) (n ffi:int))) SPRINTF-INT (sprintf-int "%d" 100) "100" double: (ffi:def-call-out sprintf-double (:name "sprintf") (:return-type nil) (:library :default) (:language :stdc) (:arguments (out-str (ffi:c-ptr (ffi:c-array-max character 256)) :out :alloca) (fmt ffi:c-string) (n ffi:double-float))) SPRINTF-DOUBLE (sprintf-double "%.2f" 3.14d0) "X\"" Perhaps, reason in it? Thanks! -- WBR, Yaroslav Kavenchuk.