Hi again! I'm still stuck with the following C code (simplified): -X-X-X- // Now, get the locationID of this device. In order to do this, we need to create an IOUSBDeviceInterface // for our device. This will create the necessary connections between our userland application and the // kernel object for the USB Device. kr = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(usbDevice, kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &plugInInterface, &score); // Use the plugin interface to retrieve the device interface. res = (*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface( plugInInterface, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes( kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID ), (LPVOID*) &privateDataRef->deviceInterface ); // Now done with the plugin interface. (*plugInInterface)->Release(plugInInterface); -X-X-X- I have translated this to: -X-X-X- (let ((kr nil) (res nil) (deviceName (cffi:foreign-alloc :char :count 128)) (deviceNameAsCFString nil) (privateDataRef nil) (plugInInterface (cffi:foreign-alloc 'IOCFPlugInInterface :count 1)) (score (cffi:foreign-alloc 'SInt32 :count 1)) (locationID nil)) (setq kr (io-registry-entry-get-name usb-device deviceName)) (when (not (eql kr KERN_SUCCESS)) (setf (cffi:mem-ref deviceName 'io_name_t 0) 0)) (setq deviceNameAsCFString (cf-string-create-with-c-string *kCFAllocatorDefault* (foreign-string-to-lisp deviceName) (foreign-enum-value '__kCFStringEncoding :kCFStringEncodingASCII))) (setq privateDataRef (cffi:foreign-alloc 'MyPrivateData :count 1)) (setf (foreign-slot-value privateDataRef 'MyPrivateData 'deviceName) deviceNameAsCFString) (setq kr (io-create-plug-in-interface-for-service usb-device kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID plugInInterface score)) (if (not (eql kr kIOReturnSuccess)) (format *debug-io* "~%*** ERROR: io-create-plug-in-interface-for-service: ~s." kr) (progn ;; else (let ((query-interface-ptr (foreign-slot-value plugInInterface 'IOCFPlugInInterface 'ccag.osx.iokit::QueryInterface)) (kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID-uuid-bytes (cf-uuid-get-uuid-bytes kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID))) (format *debug-io* "~%DEVICE-ADDED: query-interface-ptr = ~s." query-interface-ptr) (setq res (foreign-funcall-pointer query-interface-ptr () :pointer plugInInterface CFUUIDBytes kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID-uuid-bytes :pointer (foreign-slot-pointer privateDataRef 'MyPrivateData 'deviceInterface))) .... -X-X-X- I get everything ok up until I am trying to call foreign-funcall-pointer ... - for which I have no way to create a call-by-value definition using FSBV. I am sure I am not seeing the forest for the trees ... My mind seems trying to always do direct translations from C to Lisp where another approach is required ... I am eager to hear your thoughts... Thanks a lot ! Best wishes Frank