8 Sep
8 Sep
9:28 a.m.
On Tue, 08 Sep 2009, Volkan YAZICI <yazicivo@ttmail.com> writes:
I've attached[1] a small subset of the actual program to reproduce the problem. You'll need cl-fad, cffi, and binomial-heap packages to compile and load the node-access-log-parser.lisp file. After loading the file, just issue below command while in `NALP' package.
(compare-partitionings "/tmp/cffi-foreign-alloc-test/" "/tmp/cffi-foreign-alloc-test/sanitized-logs.out" "/tmp/cffi-foreign-alloc-test/weights.out" 40 16 0.2)
Nevermind. Execuse me for the mess. Regards.