I've observed what appears to be a bug on Windows using CCL 1.8 & the latest CFFI version from Quicklisp ( It seems *FOREIGN-LIBRARY-DIRECTORIES* is not being read correctly. I've placed `sqlite3.dll` in `C:\users\ralphm\temp\lib`. Below are the results of evaluating `(cffi:load-foreign-library '(:default "sqlite3"))` for different values of *FOREIGN-LIBRARY-DIRECTORIES*. It appears the trailing `/` is required but I haven't seen this documented in the manual - is this intended behaviour? '("c:/users/ralphm/temp/lib/") ==> #<FOREIGN-LIBRARY DEFAULT-3009 "sqlite3.dll"> '(#p"c:/users/ralphm/temp/lib/") ==> #<FOREIGN-LIBRARY DEFAULT-3009 "sqlite3.dll"> '("c:/users/ralphm/temp/lib") ==> Unable to load foreign library (DEFAULT-3009). Error opening shared library sqlite3.dll : The specified module could not be found. . '(#p"c:/users/ralphm/temp/lib") ==> Unable to load foreign library (DEFAULT-3009). Error opening shared library sqlite3.dll : The specified module could not be found. . Cheers, Ralph