Stelian Ionescu <stelian.ionescu-zeus@poste.it> writes: [...]
This would be really useful as the pinning business with shareable-byte-vectors is a real nuisance.
If the current shareable-byte-vector interface is going to be reworked can I suggest that we allow (at least) simple-array single-float/double-float as well? Why not just allow all unboxed array
That can be easily done.
Indeed. A better alternative to shareable byte-vectors is absolutely a good idea. Can you post the revised proposed interface? Can ClozureCL handle it, or does it need to be modified?
types the underlying Lisp supports? . . . Or a limited sensible subset?
I think that we should allow all types supported by the underlying implementation but specify in the docs that very few are portable: (probably, I haven't yet checked) only bit, [un]signed-byte-{8,16,32,64} and single-float are portable
I guess double-float is more portable than [un]signed-byte-64 (not sure).
Having portable unboxed C-sharable float arrays would be great for our numeric work.
Now we only need to see if the trick of "manually" creating unboxed arrays works on other implementations: CMUCL, CCL, Clisp, ECL, ... Allegro and Lispworks already support this with make-array's :ALLOCATION key arg
Yes, though note that Allegro sometimes annoyingly makes a non-simple array with certain allocations.
I should be very happy to make the Allegro CL interface.
Thanks. See if Allegro has native functions for bit-bashing, otherwise implement {fill,copy}-foreign-memory in terms of memset/memcpy.
Why not just use memset and memcpy always? I rather expect that the C library version are much better than things implemented by most Lisps (Allegro especially seems to be stuck in the 1990s when it comes to CPU memory/architectures).