On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 22:47:54 +0200, Luís Oliveira <luismbo@gmail.com> wrote:
cffi-tests tries to load cffi-libffi which requires libffi's development headers. You don't need to actually load cffi-tests though. Just cd into the tests/ directory and run make to compile libtest.so.
Tested both libtest.so and my library, loading/unloading libtest.so was fine. So i tried removing shared dependencies of my library (i actually had 4 shared libraries, cffi dynamically loads one of them, the one that dynamically linked to other 3) After converting 3 of 4 shared libraries to static library loading/unloading works. I think, with load-foreign-library/close-foreign-library i was replicating what reload-foreign-libraries already does. Now the hard part, making this reload cycle work, to see the changes i made with compiling c code take effect. Which i think won't be as easy as i thought it would :) Thanks Luis!