Hi, I've released the first draft of my EPoll package[1][2]. While everything works for SBCL, `EPFD-WAIT' returns weird file descriptors (e.g. -65536) on CCL. Consider example below. CL-USER> (loop for pkg in '(cffi alexandria usocket epoll) do (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op pkg)) ... NIL CL-USER> (usocket:with-socket-listener (server-socket "" 4040 :reuse-address t) (alexandria:when-let (client-socket (usocket:socket-accept server-socket)) (unwind-protect (progn (epoll:with-epfd (epfd) (epoll:epfd-control epfd :add (epoll:socket-fd (usocket:socket client-socket)) :in :pri :err) (epoll:epfd-wait epfd 5000))) (usocket:socket-close client-socket)))) ((-65536 :IN)) Any ideas about what might I be missing? Regards. [1] http://github.com/vy/epoll [2] http://cliki.net/epoll