Hello, I've been working on an interface for the graphics package plplot (http://plplot.sourceforge.net/). Its API has lots of functions that expect arrays, matrixes and associated variables that specify the size of the array/matrix. To facilitate wrapping these functions I wrote a macro that I thought might (after some modification/cleaning) be useful for others. The macro can be found at: http:// paste.lisp.org/display/18274. It was written to expand a function declaration like: (pl-defcfun ("c_plmesh" plmesh) :void (x *plflt nx) (y *plflt ny) (z **plflt (nx ny)) (nx plint) (ny plint) (opt plint)) into: (progn statements removed) (DEFCFUN ("c_plmesh" C-PLMESH) :VOID (X *PLFLT) (Y *PLFLT) (Z **PLFLT) (NX PLINT) (NY PLINT) (OPT PLINT)) (EXPORT 'C-PLMESH (PACKAGE-NAME *PACKAGE*))) (DEFUN PLMESH (X Y Z OPT) (LET ((C-X (MAKE-PTR X :DOUBLE #'(LAMBDA (X) (COERCE X 'DOUBLE- FLOAT)))) (C-Y (MAKE-PTR Y :DOUBLE #'(LAMBDA (X) (COERCE X 'DOUBLE- FLOAT)))) (NX (ARRAY-DIMENSION Z 0)) (NY (ARRAY-DIMENSION Z 1)) (C-Z (MAKE-MATRIX Z))) (UNWIND-PROTECT (C-PLMESH C-X C-Y C-Z (FUNCALL #'(LAMBDA (X) (ROUND X)) NX) (FUNCALL #'(LAMBDA (X) (ROUND X)) NY) (FUNCALL #'(LAMBDA (X) (ROUND X)) OPT)) (PROGN (FOREIGN-FREE C-X) (FOREIGN-FREE C-Y) (FREE-MATRIX C-Z (LIST NX NY)))))) (EXPORT 'PLMESH (PACKAGE-NAME *PACKAGE*)))) Where make-ptr, make-matrix and free-matrix are functions that make 1D arrays, make 2D arrays & free 2D arrays respectively. best, -Hazen