On 2/10/06, I wrote:
On 2/10/06, James Bielman jamesjb@jamesjb.com wrote:
Joerg-Cyril wrote:
Strict solution: add a version number (foreign-var) to the .dll and check it when loading the testsuite. Then people will know when it is outdated and hope for a new one from the CFFI site. As I said, presumably the .dll will receive seldom updates.
This sounds like a reasonable plan to me---would any Windows users like to implement this? I probably won't be able to get to it for awhile...
I'll volunteer, and I might make some progress this weekend. I haven't looked at the testsuite code yet, but I suspect the DLL export declaration is needed for various function definitions (this can be hidden behind a pre-processor macro).
...which I might have realized is already done had I actually comprehended earlier replies in this thread. So I'll implement the version number foreign-var and corresponding check, and post a patch, unless someone beats me to it.
-- Jack