Hi all, I don't know if it is the best place to ask this question, but I'll try it. I am trying to wrap around a following function: OGRErr OSRExportToProj4(OGRSpatialReferenceH r, char **buff); This function allocates the string and assigns it to the (char*) pointer passed as buff and then its contents should be copied into a C string and the obtained pointer released via CPLFree(); So, basically, in C a typical usage would be: char *proj = NULL: OSRExportToProj4(handle, &proj); printf("%s\n", proj); CPLFree(proj); And the question is: how is this function should be wrapped with CFFI? Thanks, Victor -- реклама ----------------------------------------------------------- FREEhost.UA - быстрый и удобный хостинг доступный каждому. http://freehost.com.ua/unix/