On 2005-dec-12, at 13:06, Леонид Новиков wrote:
The type should be (:array g-value) not (:array (quote g-value))
(:array 'g-value) was received as follows:
(defmacro ff-elt (v type n) `(uffi:deref-array ,v '(:array ,type) ,n))
(setq gva (ffx:fgn-alloc 'g-value 1 :with-g-value))
(ff-elt gva 'g-value 0)
This part of code cells-gtk. I try to start current version under clisp using cffi-uffi-compat. With my correction this was got. I expected that uffi and cffi-uffi-comapt under alike parameter must return alike results :)
Hmm... to tell you the truth, I've investigated this issue and I don't quite understand how the :array type is supposed to behave: CL-USER(2): (uffi:def-struct g-value (g-type (:array :int 16))) #<FOREIGN-FUNCTIONS::FOREIGN-STRUCTURE G-VALUE> CL-USER(3): (uffi::convert-from-uffi-type '(:array 'g-value) :type) (:ARRAY G-VALUE) CL-USER(4): (uffi::convert-from-uffi-type '(:array g-value) :type) (:ARRAY G-VALUE) -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/ Equipa Portuguesa do Translation Project http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/translation/registry.cgi?team=pt