Gregory Martin Pfeil <sellout42@mac.com> writes:
The issue here is that CFFI doesn't have any way to tell which of the DllGetVersion functions you want to call. Both DEFCFUNs are pointing at the same name. This is one of the things that UFFI still handles better (unless I just haven't been keeping up-to-date with CFFI).
In UFFI, rather than
(load-foreign-library "comctl32.dll")
You would say:
(load-foreign-library "comctl32.dll" :module "comctl") (load-foreign-library "shell32.dll" :module "shell")
then, when defining the functions:
(def-function ("DllGetVersion" comctl-dll-get-version) ((info :pointer)) :returning HRESULT :module "comctl")
(def-function ("DllGetVersion" shell-dll-get-version) ((info :pointer)) :returning HRESULT :module "shell")
you can see the extra ":module" parameter, which tells it which DLL contains the function you want to use. I'm pretty sure it's not possible to do anything similar from CFFI.
I believe most/many/some lisp implementations ignore the :MODULE in UFFI. Cheers, -- Nikodemus Schemer: "Buddha is small, clean, and serious." Lispnik: "Buddha is big, has hairy armpits, and laughs."