19 May
19 May
5:27 p.m.
Nix doesn't give you a global sqlite3 version anyway… What do you mean with global? I don't know much about Nix, but for Guix my "prefered" library would be in
You can change $LD_LIBRARY_PATH It works, but could we make CFFI smarter?
A wrapper script that adds ~/.*ix-profile/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is cheap; I am not sure I (as a Nix user) would like CFFI to do that on its own.
or change CFFI's library search path to point to the version from Nixpkgs channel or checkout you prefer.
I think that would be ideal. Can you provide an example?
(push (format nil "~a/.guix-profile/lib" (uiop:getenv "HOME")) cffi:*foreign-library-directories*)