I wrapped this function how i normally do which is usually correct
the function im wrapping is here...info at least and a small example of its usage is there also at the end of the postl
;; CvFont cvFontQt(const char* nameFont, int pointSize = -1, CvScalar color = cvScalarAll(0), int weight = CV_FONT_NORMAL,
;; int style = CV_STYLE_NORMAL, int spacing = 0)
(cffi:defcfun ("cvFontQt" %font-qt) (:struct cv-font)
(name-font :string)
(point-size :int)
(color (:struct cv-scalar))
(weight :int)
(style :int)
(spacing :int))
(defun font-qt (name-font &optional (point-size -1) (color (scalar-all 0)) (weight +font-normal+)
(style +style-normal+) (spacing 0))
"Creates the font to draw a text on an image."
(%font-qt name-font point-size color weight style spacing))
im getting this error message when i run each of these
(with-foreign-object (font '(:struct cv-font))
(setf (mem-ref font `(:pointer (:struct cv-font))) (font-qt "Monospace")))
(defparameter font (foreign-alloc '(:struct cv-font) :initial-element (list (font-qt ""))))
(font-qt "")
There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
it seems to be written right and I'm just running the function so i could use a little help on this . I never use any of cffi foreign-string functions for const
char* just :string and they always run right