30 Jul
30 Jul
7:24 p.m.
Hello, On 30/07/07, Tamas K Papp <tpapp@princeton.edu> wrote:
I have a class which is defined like this (basically, wraps a pointer): [...] For convenience, I would like to use it in place of a pointer, with some extra error checking:
We haven't updated the manual in the website yet. We need two versions up there (for the released and development versions), I suppose. Let me point you to sections 5.3 and 5.4 of CFFI's manual: <http://common-lisp.net/~loliveira/tmp/cffi-newtypes/html_node/Defining-Foreign-Types.html> It still needs some work so let us know if that doesn't answer all your questions. -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/