David Brown <lisp@davidb.org> writes:
Without this, with-pointer-to-vector-data always results in NIL, which isn't nearly as useful.
Thanks for the bug report. Unfortunately darcs doesn't seem to understand either of the two patches you sent. They seem to be missing a couple of newline characters, but I'm not sure whether that's the problem.
+ (unwind-protect + ,@body + ;; copy-out + (loop for i below ,size-var do + (setf (aref ,vector-var i) + (%mem-ref ,ptr-var :unsigned-char i))))))))
Anyway, I pushed a slightly different fix: we want to wrap the BODY in a PROGN. Also, I used PROG1 instead of UNWIND-PROTECT but I'm having second thoughts. I'm going to write some tests for WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA and most likely change that to UNWIND-PROTECT. -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/