On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Roland Averkamp <roland.averkamp@gmx.de> wrote:
Is it really necesary to use the Babel and Alexandria libraries in CFFI? Now CFFI depends on two libraries and every other system which uses CFFI needs these two libraries too.
That's an issue that was taken into consideration.
As a mere user, I was also a bit frustrated trying to compile the newest CFFI with all its dependencies, especially because these extra packages had RCS's that were not on my machine. The new CFFI was a long chain of upgrades and installs. For a newbie, this could be a real roadblock, and each additional step will cause attrition of the userbase. Might it be a good idea to repackage these libraries as TRIVIAL-FEATURES-CFFI, BABEL-CFFI, etc, and distribute these along with cffi? They would still be there, would be easy to upgrade, but would be invisible to the casual cffi user. Jan