14.03.2012, 04:01, "Luís Oliveira" <luismbo@gmail.com>:
Lisp compilation failures are present in logs, but in this case we have C library compilation error. This may be seen by component description in the ASDF error message: #<C-TEST-LIB "cffi-tests" "tests" "libtest">
Ah, my bad. While I'm making feature requests, perhaps a backtrace would be useful, though? :-)
They would of course.. but there is no portable way to retrieve a backtrace of CL condition.
In cffi-tests.asd the
(defmethod perform ((o compile-op) (c c-test-lib))
does not try to run "make" on windows,
#-windows (unless (zerop (run-shell-command "cd ~A; make"
and on windows the only error signaled in absense of the native library is cffi:load-foreign-library-error. I rely on it when detecting :no-resource.
Should we assume that 'make' is available on windows? Is that a common setup for cygwin/mingw? What about other toolsets such as Microsoft's? Do they ship with make?
Gnu make is often installed with cygwin (but not so many people install cygwin). Microsoft Visual Studio ships with a program called nmake - mostly compatible with make, but not completely. Again, not everyone have Visual Studio. Actually, make is not that necessary, it's just one C file we need to compile, the compile.bat from the tests directory is OK (but anyway requires Microsoft Visual C compiler). In short, even if we implement the compile-op for windows, it is going to fail for 85% of users. I think it's OK to ask user to compile the library manually. What I need to fix, is to more correctly recognize the cases when tests are impossible to run. Probably some improvements in the compile-op implementation will help here, but I don't know yet what it would be. BTW, to be clear, the failure on ABCL represented in the logs as Class not found: com.sun.jna.Native is also :no-resouce - CFFI on ABCL requires jna.jar to present in classpaths, which I don't have. I have a TODO item recognize this situation as :no-resource, too.