On 12/02/07, Collin Lynch <collinl@cs.pitt.edu> wrote:
In any case, is there any way to catch the underlying c++ exceptions within a cffi-wrapper? I have developed a C++ library that defines its own exceptions and I would like to trap them and generate an appropriate Lisp Condition. At present deliberately triggering an error (say by passingincorrect parameters to a constructor) gives me back a null pointer.
C++ support would be nice. I don't personally have a need for it, but it would be nice. Patches are welcome! :-) The best I can do is point you at Verrazano <http://common-lisp.net/project/fetter/>. Rayiner had some ideas on how to access C++ libraries and there's some code too I believe. Otherwise, you can handle exceptions and other C++ stuff by writing some C glue and calling that with CFFI. -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/