Luís Oliveira <luismbo@gmail.com> writes:
When I tried to load the osicat library via quicklisp yesterday i got an error because the cffi-groveler couldn't find the c compiler and because the path in the include parameter was ill formed (the drive letter was missing).
Regarding the first issue, unless Windows has some new concept of a default system compiler, I guess all we can do is look for more likely places. Right now, it's looking at "c:/msys/1.0/bin/gcc.exe". Perhaps it could do better than that.
Windows has no concept of a default system compiler (for C compilers, at least). While there can be better strategies to find it, it's very important to try gcc.exe from PATH as the first attempt; every more likely place should be tried after that one. While it's fine to surprise users by doing the right thing, it's more important to allow a *predictable* right thing to happen if the system is rightly configured. A good user will ensure that GCC.EXE is in the PATH whenever he expects some software to use gcc.
What include parameter are you referring to? Do you have a patch?
One place that is obviously wrong is that (format nil "I~A" (directory-namestring ...)) in grovel.lisp. It's pretty common in modern Lisp code, and it *screams* "WE DON'T CARE ABOUT WINDOWS". I'll look deeper for other similar things. Btw, isn't it about time to just stop writing code like that? Even ASDF knows something about PATHNAME-DEVICEs (in its peculiar ad-hoc manner that shouldn't be replicated, of course).
Osicat is probably the best test-case for cffi-grovel on Windows. There's also a port of iolib to Windows: <http://src.knowledgetools.de/tomas/winapi/index.html>.
The port of IOLIB, fortunately, doesn't rely on grovel when run on Windows (all grovel entries are reader-conditioned away). Generally, it's a perfect strategy for system APIs and a good thing to do for many libraries: you just replicate structure definitions and rely on them being stable (or upgraded in a compatible way, which is much easier when most of them have cbSize component). All platform's "subculture" is against grovelling, unlike the Unix one. -- Regards, Anton Kovalenko <http://github.com/akovalenko/sbcl-win32-threads/wiki> +7(916)345-34-02 | Elektrostal' MO, Russia