After a little wrestling with Verrazano I am now trying to port my existing OpenAL demo to use the CFFI bindings generated by VZN. I got a couple of warnings from ACL: Warning: :call-direct ignored; no argument types specified. ; While compiling (:TOP-LEVEL-FORM "openal-lib2.lisp" 10554) in C:\0dev\cl-openal\openal-lib2.lisp: Why the Hell are they not reporting on which defun? I will go digging to see if I can find which, but it may not matter. Anyway, I took a look at the expansion of: (cffi:defcfun ("alutUnloadWAV" alutunloadwav) alvoid (anonymous1 :int) (anonymous2 :pointer) (anonymous3 :unsigned-int) (anonymous4 :unsigned-int)) namely.... (PROGN (FF:DEF-FOREIGN-CALL (|%cffi-foreign-function/ALUTUNLOADWAV| "alutUnloadWAV") ((#:G1004 :INT INTEGER) (#:G1005 (* :VOID) INTEGER) (#:G1006 :UNSIGNED-INT INTEGER) (#:G1007 :UNSIGNED-INT INTEGER)) :RETURNING (:VOID NULL) :CALL-DIRECT T :ARG-CHECKING NIL :STRINGS-CONVERT NIL) (DEFUN ALUTUNLOADWAV (ANONYMOUS1 ANONYMOUS2 ANONYMOUS3 ANONYMOUS4) (CFFI::TRANSLATE-OBJECTS (#:G1000 #:G1001 #:G1002 #:G1003) (ANONYMOUS1 ANONYMOUS2 ANONYMOUS3 ANONYMOUS4) (:INT :POINTER :UNSIGNED-INT :UNSIGNED-INT) ALVOID (|%cffi-foreign-function/ALUTUNLOADWAV| #:G1000 #:G1001 #:G1002 #:G1003)))) I think there is a problem here in that the raw entry |%cffi-foreign-function/ALUTUNLOADWAV| is not really an inviting way to code raw calls to the API. Maybe I am wrong on this--perhaps the idea is that one would relatively rarely want to convert values explicitly and then call the raw function, so it is OK to make users write something like: (defun alutunloadwav-raw (a1 a2 a3 a4) (|%cffi-foreign-function/ALUTUNLOADWAV a1 a2 a3 a4) But is that raw name reliable between CFFI releases? What I did with my FFI utils was reserve the C name for raw functions and use the Lispified name for functions which autoconverted parameters and return values. I also allowed for pre- and post-processing. -- Kenny Why Lisp? http://lisp.tech.coop/RtL%20Highlight%20Film "I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd, "Harvey", 1950