Hi all: While resurrecting Kenny Tilton's Cello and trying to reuse some code of the cl-opengl bindings (trying to unite the two) I came across this error: Source: (define-foreign-library OpenGL (:darwin (:framework "OpenGL")) (:windows "opengl32.dll" :calling-convention :stdcall) (:unix (:or "libGL.so" "libGL.so.2" "libGL.so.1"))) (use-foreign-library OpenGL) (define-foreign-library GLU (:windows "glu32.dll") ((:and :unix (:not :darwin)) (:or "libGLU.so.1" "libGLU.so")) ((:not :darwin) (:default "libGLU"))) (use-foreign-library GLU) (defconstant GL_VERSION #x1f02) (defctype GLenum :unsigned-int) (defmacro defglfun ((cname lname) result-type &body body) `(progn (declaim (inline ,lname)) (defcfun (,cname ,lname :library OpenGL) ,result-type ,@body))) (defglfun ("glGetString" %glGetString) :pointer (name GLenum)) (defun gl-get-version () (let ((version-string (%glGetString GL_VERSION))) ;; <<<<---- BUS ERROR ! (break) (foreign-string-to-lisp version-string))) REPL: ; Foreign loading /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/OpenGL. CL-USER > (gl-get-version) Bus Error (Signal 10) Oh, btw, that happens no matter what function from OpenGL I try to call... So, something very fundamental must be wrong here. I just can't see what ... Please help! TIA!!!! Best, Frank