Shameless plug. HELambdaP (http://helambdap.sourceforge.net) recognizes doc strings sectioned like CLHS :) Cheers MA On Mar 10, 2014, at 21:05 , Martin Simmons <martin@lispworks.com> wrote:
See http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_ash.htm
for an example of how CLHS uses the "Syntax" and "Arguments and Values" sections to describe functions.
-- Martin Simmons LispWorks Ltd http://www.lispworks.com/
On Sun, 9 Mar 2014 00:46:33 -0800 (PST), Joeish W said:
Here is my defcfun as I normally write it,
;; Size Mat::size() const ;; Size* cv_Mat_size(Mat* self) (defcfun ("cv_Mat_size" mat-size) (:pointer size) (self (:pointer mat)))
;; Size Mat::size() const
is the C++ function declaration with a Size return value
The ;; Size* cv_Mat_size(Mat* self) is the C wrapper function declaration with a Size* return value
This is my defcfun with a (:pointer size) return value
(defcfun ("cv_Mat_size" mat-size) (:pointer size) (self (:pointer mat)))
In my Documentation for this function I list the Common Lisp function declaration as
I couldn't figure out if I should add a return value
but in C++ the return value always goes up front i/e ;; Size Mat::size() const
Is it common to put return values on Lisp/CFFI function declarations and if so where
in this declaration (MAT-SIZE (SELF (:POINTER MAT))) should I put mine
btw on the CLHS I didn't see or missed return values on any function declaration
Thanks in advance for any takers=)
Good Day.
-- Marco Antoniotti