On 30/11/2007, Andy Chambers <achambers.home@googlemail.com> wrote:
If I load the cffi-examples system, (getenv "PATH") works fine but (sqrtf 4.0) throws a simple-undefined-function condition and (run-examples) crashes the running lisp.
To access sqrtf() you might need to load msvcrt.dll, I think: (cffi:load-foreign-library "msvcrt.dll") The examples don't seem to work very well on windows, mostly because they assume some posix functions. That being said, it shouldn't crash your CLISP instance! (It doesn't crash mine.)
How long should the tests take to run?
A few seconds at most.
make test-clisp
...and got the first few lines of output [...] ;;; -------- Running tests in CLISP --------
but then nothing for a couple of minutes
Can you try to open CLISP then run (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi-tests) followed by (rt:do-tests) and see what happens? Oh, and make sure you run 'make' beforehand under cffi/tests/ in order to compile libtest.dll. FWIW, the tests run ok for me using CLISP 2.43 on Windows XP SP2 (32-bit). There are only a few (expected) minor test failures. -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/