On 5/13/06, Luís Oliveira <luismbo@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2006-maj-13, at 23:56, Ken Tilton wrote:
As the subject suggests, methinks the defcallback macro knows about IGNORE but not IGNORABLE. I use the latter a lot because of debug statements that come and go.
Hmm, we're putting the declarations in the wrong place.
That is just blind bad luck. I looked at the code and I was not joking when I said it ignores IGNORABLE: (defun collect-ignored-args (declarations) (loop for declaration in declarations append (loop for decl in (cdr declaration) when (eq (car decl) 'cl:ignore) append (cdr decl)))) Note that (declare (ignore)) works fine, so I think (declare (ignorable)) will go in the right place if it is not ignored. By the macro. <g> kt