When compiling new-ish CFFI with ABCL, I get a warning that *function-call-encoding* is not defined:
(defun make-function-pointer (pointer convention) (apply #'jnew (if *jna-4.0.0-or-later-p* (private-jconstructor "com.sun.jna.Function" "com.sun.jna.Pointer" "int" "java.lang.String") (private-jconstructor "com.sun.jna.Function" "com.sun.jna.Pointer" "int")) pointer (jfield "com.sun.jna.Function" (convert-calling-convention convention)) (when *jna-4.0.0-or-later-p* (list *function-call-encoding*))))
Similarly, there’s a defparameter nearby:
(defparameter *jna-string-encoding* "UTF-8" "Encoding for conversion between Java and native strings that occurs within JNA.
Used with jna-4.0.0 or later.”)
that doesn’t seem to be used anywhere. Should these two be referring to the same thing?