good evening;
On 2017-09-07, at 16:13, Attila Lendvai wrote:
(let ((lhs-quad (cffi:foreign-slot-value lhs '(:struct liblmdb:val) 'liblmdb:mv-data)) (rhs-quad (cffi:foreign-slot-value rhs '(:struct liblmdb:val) 'liblmdb:mv-data))) (declare (dynamic-extent lhs-quad rhs-quad)) (%compare-quad lhs-quad rhs-quad)))
try to use (cffi:with-foreign-object (lhs :pointer) …)
the lhs/rhs variables are parameters to the callback. if i understand your suggestion, you mean the lhs-quad/rhs-quad variables.
this leaves still the question, how to set their value from the respective passed argument structures.
best regards, from berlin, --- james anderson | |