I got the callback working somewhat to illustrate here is my code so far below and again im attempting to convert the lowest function on this page: http://opencv-srf.blogspot.com/2011/11/track-bars.html
(defcallback a :void ((contrast :int) (img cv-arr) (dest cv-arr))
(format t "img-1: ~a~%~%" img)
(format t "dest-1: ~a~%~%" dest)
(format t "Trackbar level-1: ~a~%~%" contrast))
(defun create-trackbar-example (&optional (camera-index *camera-index*) (width *default-width*)
(height *default-height*))
"Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window.
slider to adjust the brightess of the camera output"
(with-capture (capture (create-camera-capture camera-index))
(let ((window-name "CREATE-TRACKBAR Example")
(contrast (foreign-alloc :int :initial-contents '(10)))
(dest (create-image (size width height) +ipl-depth-8u+ 3)))
(set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-width+ width)
(set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-height+ height)
(named-window window-name)
(move-window window-name 600 175)
(do* ((img (query-frame capture) (query-frame capture))
(img (clone-image img))
(n 0))
((plusp (wait-key *millis-per-frame*)) nil)
(create-trackbar "Contrast" window-name contrast 21 (callback a))
(format t "img-2: ~a~%~%" img)
(format t "dest-2: ~a~%~%" dest)
(format t "Trackbar level-2: ~a~%~%" (mem-ref contrast :int))
(show-image window-name img))
(release-image dest)
(destroy-window window-name))))
im testing the callback function and it works, it is called when the trackbar is moved, i know this because the Trackbar level-2 format output from the callback function prints which
it should and the output of the contrast variable in that format function also changes.....the contrast variable is changed in the
create-trackbar-example function and the callback function picks up that variable with the (contrast :int) parameter... my new question is how do i get the callback function to pick up the img and dest variables from the create-trackbar-example function....when the code runs the output of the format t functions from the call back with the img and dest variables in them are different from the output of the format t functions from the create-trackbar-example with the img and dest in them which means the callback isnt picking those up but it is picking up the variable contrast...and oddly enough i dont have to mem-ref the contrast variable in the callback function....when i just evaluate the variable contrast it prints a number....I think the parameters of the callback are defined righ,t the img and dest are defined as cv-arr (a defctype :pointer) in my library
...any help is appreciated
On Sunday, October 27, 2013 12:03 AM, "f9cef2aa@yandex.ru" <f9cef2aa@yandex.ru> wrote:
>here is my attempt but i have no idea how to define a function as a pointer and ive tried alot of variations but is too long to post. The defun change contrast compiles btw...i tried using make-pointer to make the change-contrast function a pointer but
make-pointer wants it to be a real...so cant use foreign-alloc i dont think because the function needs to be converted to a pointer first to use that...any
guidance is appreciated
>(defun change-contrast (&optional contrast img dest)
>(if (< contrast 10) (scale img dest (/ 1 (coerce (- 11 contrast) 'double-float)))
> (if (>= contrast 10) (scale img dest (- contrast 9))))
> (show-image "MyImage" dest))
>(defun display (filename)
> "Open the image FILENAME and show it in a window."
> (let* ((img (load-image filename 1))
> (img-size (get-size img))
> (dest (create-image img-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 3))
> (contrast (cffi:foreign-alloc :int :initial-contents '(10))
> (test "not sure what to do here")))
> (named-window "MyWindow" 1)
> (create-trackbar "conrast" "MyWindow" contrast 21 test)
> (princ (mem-ref contrast :int))
> (change-contrast (mem-ref contrast :int) img dest)
> (loop while (not (= (wait-key 0) 27)))
> (release-image img)
> (release-image dest)
> (destroy-window "MyWindow")))
Have you read defcallback documentation? If no, read it and try to use
defcallback. If yes, what was your problem when using defcallback?