15 Oct
15 Oct
2006/10/15, Mark Hoemmen <mark.hoemmen@gmail.com>:
As such, we would like to include complex number support in lisp-matrix. However, CFFI doesn't support passing C structs by value, so we can't implement a complex number interface in CFFI using DEFCSTRUCT.
A number of lisps, including ECL and SBCL, do not support passing structures by value. See for instance the SBCL manual page: http://www.sbcl.org/manual/The-alien_002dfuncall-Primitive.html#The-alien_00... The reason, I believe, is that structure arguments complicate a lot the calling of a function, in terms of registers used for in and out values, and even the conventions differ between compilers on the same platform. Juanjo