Luke Crook wrote:
An SDL_Surface is basically a foreign array. Reading and writing individual pixels involves calling MEM-AREF to access an integer value ... Can I use WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA to somehow speed this up?
Nope, WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA is not the right abstraction for this. As you said, you have a foreign array. Alas, CL does not allow to portably extend the built-in ARRAY type. Your best bet is to look at CFFI's proposed block transfer operations, which ought to be optimised for speed. Outside of CFFI's scope, you may find that some implementations provide for means to have specialised Lisp arrays mapped at known (malloc'ed) locations. I believe Allegro features this. Then you can use all of CL's array and sequence functions on the foreign memory area. Regards, Jorg Hohle.