On Feb 7, 2006, at 12:51 AM, Jan Rychter wrote:
However, I'm puzzled as to why you decided not to name the callback and remember it. Is there really no way to release the memory occupied by the trampoline code and let the closure be GCd when it's no longer needed?
In my case, this is going to be a problem. If you generate a bunch of callback-lambdas for each context menu appearance, you will soon end up with lots of them in memory. If there really is no way to release them, I'll probably have to think of a different approach (with dispatching functions, I guess, as Martin suggested).
Well, the idea was to also add an interface for freeing the callbacks (if that is necessary on a particular Lisp), I just haven't gotten there yet. I don't see how you could free them with finalizers since they won't know about references held by foreign code. James