Hi all, On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 16:59, Nicolas Martyanoff <khaelin@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2010-04-30 a patch was submitted to the cffi-devel mailing-list (http://www.mail-archive.com/cffi-devel@common-lisp.net/msg01820.html), adding support for bitfield in the groveller.
On 2010-05-01, a ticket was created about this patch on launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/cffi/+bug/622338).
Recently, I asked Stelian Ionescu on #lisp if it was possible to apply the patch to the cffi trunk, and the answer seemed positive.
Is there something that prevents committing this patch ? I use it in three different personal projects, it works.
If the people which manage the git repository don't have the time (for the last 10 months…) to apply a trivial patch (1 minute top), would they consider giving a commit bit to people that can ?
I'm the author. This patch has been commited to the branch 'master' of my cffi fork [1][2]. Maintainer, please pull that branch. [1] git://github.com/dochang/cffi.git [2] https://github.com/dochang/cffi Thanks, Des