Hello Luis, Thanks for your explanations. CFFI is really cool. I tried using CFFI for wxCL and it works on clisp, and lispworks. But, I am getting segmentation faults on Allegro which is making allegro crash. I have few suggestions/requests for cffi, I am only familiar with clisp ffi, so pardon me if I am only seeing world from clisp angle. If these, are already present in cffi, then please point me to them. [1]I didn't find any function for closing foreign libraries. This is needed because, some libraries (wxWidgets, for instance) has static initializers problem, once the program finishes, if the interpreter tries to run the program again the library will crash as things don't get initialized properly second time. [2]Also, I have not investigated the reason why allegro crashes, but one reason could be different argument passing conventions. But I didn't find any way of specifying the argument-passing conventions. Thanks for your help. -- Surendra Singhi http://www.public.asu.edu/~sksinghi/index.html "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - Orwell, Animal Farm, 1945