* Steven Nunez <steve_nunez@yahoo.com> <287886162.2291193.1604621649813@mail.yahoo.com> Wrote on Fri, 6 Nov 2020 00:14:09 +0000 (UTC)
Greetings all, I first sent this message to SBCL-bugs, since the code works on CCL. where they suggested it's an issue in CFFI. I'm hoping that someone here has an idea of what the problem is. I'm wrapping some of the complex math functions in openlibm, and encounter the following stack trace when calling them: The value NIL is not of type SB-SYS:SYSTEM-AREA-POINTER when binding SB-ALIEN::VALUE
This seems related to the last message I posted on cffi-devel on 2020-11-04 (and to my problems with libffi) Can you pleast try your code after applying this patch? https://github.com/enometh/cffi/commit/74a15af823e3bfec7256e9a572c67962ed985...