<code>(cffi:defcstruct (cv-size :class cv-size-type)
(width :int)
(height :int))
(defmethod cffi:translate-from-foreign (p (type cv-size-type))
(let ((plist (call-next-method)))
(make-size :width (getf plist 'width)
:height (getf plist 'height))))</code>
and my opencv wrappers for CvGetSize and cvCreateImage, get-size and create-image, are defined like this
;; CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr)
(cffi:defcfun ("cvGetSize" get-size) (:struct cv-size)
(arr cv-arr))
;; IplImage* cvCreateImage(CvSize size, int depth, int channels)
(cffi:defcfun ("cvCreateImage" %create-image) ipl-image
(size :int64)
(depth :int)
(channels :int))
(defun create-image (size depth channels)
"Create an image with dimensions given by SIZE, DEPTH bits per
channel, and CHANNELS number of channels."
(let ((nsize (size->int64 size)))
(%create-image nsize depth channels)))
here is the definition of size->int64
it converts get-size output which is a structure here:
into 64-bit integer, which CFFI can handle
but i love the idea of the translate-foreign defmethod's
so i was wondering if you can show my how to make the
translate-into-foreign version of the below from method this would
really make my library awesome
(defmethod cffi:translate-from-foreign (p (type cv-size-type))
(let ((plist (call-next-method)))
(make-size :width (getf plist 'width)
:height (getf plist 'height))))