I have a problem getting automatic type translation to work. In my cl-cairo2 package (http://www.cliki.net/cl-cairo2), some cairo functions expect booleans, but I want them to work with integers etc. I set up a translate-to-foreign method as described in the manual, and was using it, but recently it stopped working, in the sense that translate-to-foreign still works when called manually, but functions don't seem to call it (they did before, I changed nothing), and when trying to check with convert-to-foreign, that does not work either.
I reduced my problem to a small, clean example:
(require :cffi)
(cffi:defctype my-double :double)
(defmethod cffi:translate-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'my-double))) (coerce value 'double-float))
(cffi:translate-to-foreign 10 'my-double) ; => 10d0
(cffi:convert-to-foreign 10 'my-double) ; => 10, should be 10d0!
What am I doing wrong?
PS: cl-cffi 20080217-1, sbcl 1: