I have a bunch or C wrappers for C++ OpenCV code I'm writing and I was hoping someone could show me how the best way would be in CFFI to write theses functions. They're from a C++ class
the OpenCV Point_ class defined here http://docs.opencv.org/modules/core/doc/basic_structures.html?highlight=assignto#Point_
Here are the functions below. So far I'm making the top 2 functions point0 and point2 use the same name "point" with this function:
(defun point (&optional (x nil) (y nil))
(cond ((eq (or x y) nil)
((and x y)
(point2 x y))
(t nil)))
but I also have functions to retrieve the x and y coordinates of a point that belong to the same class. I call those point-x and point-y..I was hoping someone could write me up the best way on how to use these Point_ class wrappers . Is it with defclass or define-foreign-type or am I already doing a good job? I could use this info in making all my other class wrappers correctly.
;; Point* cv_create_Point(int x, int y)
(defcfun ("cv_create_Point" point0) (:pointer point)
"Point constructor")
;; Point* cv_create_Point(int x, int y)
(defcfun ("cv_create_Point2" point2) (:pointer point)
"Point constructor"
(x :int)
(y :int))
;; _Tp x, y
;; int cv_Point_getX(Point* self)
(defcfun ("cv_Point_getX" point-x) :int
"Retrieves X coordinate of a point"
(self (:pointer point)))
;; _Tp x, y
;; int cv_Point_getY(Point* self)
(defcfun ("cv_Point_getY" point-y) :int
"Retrieves y coordinate of a point"
(:pointer point)))