On 2006-maj-13, at 23:56, Ken Tilton wrote:
As the subject suggests, methinks the defcallback macro knows about IGNORE but not IGNORABLE. I use the latter a lot because of debug statements that come and go.
Hmm, we're putting the declarations in the wrong place. (defcallback foo :int ((a :int) (b :int)) (declare (ignorable b)) a) Macroexpands into something like: (FOREIGN-FUNCTIONS:DEFUN-FOREIGN-CALLABLE CFFI-CALLBACKS::|CFFI::FOO| ((A :INT) (B :INT)) (DECLARE (:CONVENTION :C)) (DECLARE (IGNORABLE B)) (LET ((A (VALUES A))) (LET ((B (VALUES B))) ;; Allegro will warn here because this new B is unused. ;; ;; Perhaps the declarations should go here? ;; (except for IGNORE declarations and maybe others?) (BLOCK FOO A)))) -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/