On 11/4/12 Nov 4 -11:01 AM, Luís Oliveira wrote:
Hello Mark,
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Mark Cox <markcox80@gmail.com> wrote:
There is an issue with the ASDF component of CFFI-GROVEL when running on ECL. The problem stems from ASDF:OUTPUT-FILES returning two items. The attached patch hopes to handle this situation.
I haven't touched this code in quite while and I don't remember exactly what's going on. Why is ASDF:OUTPUT-FILES returning two items?
ASDF:OUTPUT-FILES is allowed to return a second value which, if true, indicates that the output files should NOT be relocated.
From the ASDF manual:
@item @code{output-files} The @code{output-files} method determines where the method will put its files. It returns two values, a list of pathnames, and a boolean. If the boolean is @code{T} then the pathnames are marked not be translated by enclosing @code{:around} methods. If the boolean is @code{NIL} then enclosing @code{:around} methods may translate these pathnames, e.g. to ensure object files are somehow stored in some implementation-dependent cache. Best, Robert