Hi! The CFFI generator in SWIG produces incomplete stubs compared to the Allegro CL one. The case in question are the stubs for Mapserver's MapScript wrapper: http://mapserver.org/mapscript/index.html The Lisp wrapper code generated for ACL is pretty much an ordinary Common Lisp. Except for a bunch of ACL-specific functions (from EXCL and FF packages). The functions from EXCL package are easy to replace with freely-available replacements. But the functions from FF package are a little bit different than the functions from CFFI. They look like more similar to the UFFI but still are not the same. Did anybody face a similar problem already? What is the best way to refactor the ACL wrappers to be portable across implementations? Does anybody have improved CFFI generator for SWIG? Thanks, Victor -- реклама ----------------------------------------------------------- Никогда не покупали в интернете? Лучшее место для покупок онлайн - http://aukro.ua