Luís Oliveira wrote:
FWIW, there are a lot of these in cffi-cmucl.lisp.
Ok. -- WBR, Yaroslav Kavenchuk. ;;;; -*- Mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- ;;; ;;; cffi-sbcl.lisp --- CFFI-SYS implementation for SBCL. ;;; ;;; Copyright (C) 2005-2006, James Bielman <jamesjb@jamesjb.com> ;;; ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, ;;; modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies ;;; of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ;;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;;; ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;; ;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ;;; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ;;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ;;; OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER ;;; DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;;; ;;;# Administrivia (defpackage #:cffi-sys (:use #:common-lisp #:sb-alien #:cffi-utils) (:export #:canonicalize-symbol-name-case #:pointerp #:pointer-eq #:null-pointer #:null-pointer-p #:inc-pointer #:make-pointer #:pointer-address #:%foreign-alloc #:foreign-free #:with-foreign-pointer #:%foreign-funcall #:%foreign-funcall-pointer #:%foreign-type-alignment #:%foreign-type-size #:%load-foreign-library #:%close-foreign-library #:%mem-ref #:%mem-set #:make-shareable-byte-vector #:with-pointer-to-vector-data #:foreign-symbol-pointer #:%defcallback #:%callback #:finalize #:cancel-finalization)) (in-package #:cffi-sys) ;;;# Features (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (mapc (lambda (feature) (pushnew feature *features*)) '(;; OS/CPU features. #+darwin cffi-features:darwin #+(and unix (not win32)) cffi-features:unix #+win32 cffi-features:windows #+x86 cffi-features:x86 #+x86-64 cffi-features:x86-64 #+(and ppc (not ppc64)) cffi-features:ppc32 ))) ;;; Symbol case. (declaim (inline canonicalize-symbol-name-case)) (defun canonicalize-symbol-name-case (name) (declare (string name)) (string-upcase name)) ;;;# Basic Pointer Operations (declaim (inline pointerp)) (defun pointerp (ptr) "Return true if PTR is a foreign pointer." (sb-sys:system-area-pointer-p ptr)) (declaim (inline pointer-eq)) (defun pointer-eq (ptr1 ptr2) "Return true if PTR1 and PTR2 point to the same address." (declare (type system-area-pointer ptr1 ptr2)) (sb-sys:sap= ptr1 ptr2)) (declaim (inline null-pointer)) (defun null-pointer () "Construct and return a null pointer." (sb-sys:int-sap 0)) (declaim (inline null-pointer-p)) (defun null-pointer-p (ptr) "Return true if PTR is a null pointer." (declare (type system-area-pointer ptr)) (zerop (sb-sys:sap-int ptr))) (declaim (inline inc-pointer)) (defun inc-pointer (ptr offset) "Return a pointer pointing OFFSET bytes past PTR." (declare (type system-area-pointer ptr) (type integer offset)) (sb-sys:sap+ ptr offset)) (declaim (inline make-pointer)) (defun make-pointer (address) "Return a pointer pointing to ADDRESS." (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) address)) (sb-sys:int-sap address)) (declaim (inline pointer-address)) (defun pointer-address (ptr) "Return the address pointed to by PTR." (declare (type system-area-pointer ptr)) (sb-sys:sap-int ptr)) ;;;# Allocation ;;; ;;; Functions and macros for allocating foreign memory on the stack ;;; and on the heap. The main CFFI package defines macros that wrap ;;; FOREIGN-ALLOC and FOREIGN-FREE in UNWIND-PROTECT for the common usage ;;; when the memory has dynamic extent. (defun %foreign-alloc (size) "Allocate SIZE bytes on the heap and return a pointer." (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) size)) (alien-sap (make-alien (unsigned 8) size))) (defun foreign-free (ptr) "Free a PTR allocated by FOREIGN-ALLOC." (declare (type system-area-pointer ptr)) (free-alien (sap-alien ptr (* (unsigned 8))))) (defmacro with-foreign-pointer ((var size &optional size-var) &body body) "Bind VAR to SIZE bytes of foreign memory during BODY. The pointer in VAR is invalid beyond the dynamic extent of BODY, and may be stack-allocated if supported by the implementation. If SIZE-VAR is supplied, it will be bound to SIZE during BODY." (unless size-var (setf size-var (gensym "SIZE"))) ;; If the size is constant we can stack-allocate. (if (constantp size) (let ((alien-var (gensym "ALIEN"))) `(with-alien ((,alien-var (array (unsigned 8) ,(eval size)))) (let ((,size-var ,(eval size)) (,var (alien-sap ,alien-var))) (declare (ignorable ,size-var)) ,@body))) `(let* ((,size-var ,size) (,var (%foreign-alloc ,size-var))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (foreign-free ,var))))) ;;;# Shareable Vectors ;;; ;;; This interface is very experimental. WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA ;;; should be defined to perform a copy-in/copy-out if the Lisp ;;; implementation can't do this. (declaim (inline make-shareable-byte-vector)) (defun make-shareable-byte-vector (size) "Create a Lisp vector of SIZE bytes can passed to WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA." ; (declare (type sb-int:index size)) (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (defmacro with-pointer-to-vector-data ((ptr-var vector) &body body) "Bind PTR-VAR to a foreign pointer to the data in VECTOR." (let ((vector-var (gensym "VECTOR"))) `(let ((,vector-var ,vector)) (declare (type (simple-unboxed-array (*)) ,vector-var)) (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (,vector-var) (let ((,ptr-var (sb-sys:vector-sap ,vector-var))) ,@body))))) ;;;# Dereferencing ;;; Define the %MEM-REF and %MEM-SET functions, as well as compiler ;;; macros that optimize the case where the type keyword is constant ;;; at compile-time. (defmacro define-mem-accessors (&body pairs) `(progn (defun %mem-ref (ptr type &optional (offset 0)) (ecase type ,@(loop for (keyword fn) in pairs collect `(,keyword (,fn ptr offset))))) (defun %mem-set (value ptr type &optional (offset 0)) (ecase type ,@(loop for (keyword fn) in pairs collect `(,keyword (setf (,fn ptr offset) value))))) (define-compiler-macro %mem-ref (&whole form ptr type &optional (offset 0)) (if (constantp type) (ecase (eval type) ,@(loop for (keyword fn) in pairs collect `(,keyword `(,',fn ,ptr ,offset)))) form)) (define-compiler-macro %mem-set (&whole form value ptr type &optional (offset 0)) (if (constantp type) (once-only (value) (ecase (eval type) ,@(loop for (keyword fn) in pairs collect `(,keyword `(setf (,',fn ,ptr ,offset) ,value))))) form)))) (define-mem-accessors (:char sb-sys:signed-sap-ref-8) (:unsigned-char sb-sys:sap-ref-8) (:short sb-sys:signed-sap-ref-16) (:unsigned-short sb-sys:sap-ref-16) (:int sb-sys:signed-sap-ref-32) (:unsigned-int sb-sys:sap-ref-32) (:long sb-sys:signed-sap-ref-word) (:unsigned-long sb-sys:sap-ref-word) (:long-long sb-sys:signed-sap-ref-64) (:unsigned-long-long sb-sys:sap-ref-64) (:float sb-sys:sap-ref-single) (:double sb-sys:sap-ref-double) (:pointer sb-sys:sap-ref-sap)) ;;;# Calling Foreign Functions (defun convert-foreign-type (type-keyword) "Convert a CFFI type keyword to an SB-ALIEN type." (ecase type-keyword (:char 'char) (:unsigned-char 'unsigned-char) (:short 'short) (:unsigned-short 'unsigned-short) (:int 'int) (:unsigned-int 'unsigned-int) (:long 'long) (:unsigned-long 'unsigned-long) (:long-long 'long-long) (:unsigned-long-long 'unsigned-long-long) (:float 'single-float) (:double 'double-float) (:pointer 'system-area-pointer) (:void 'void))) (defun %foreign-type-size (type-keyword) "Return the size in bytes of a foreign type." (/ (sb-alien-internals:alien-type-bits (sb-alien-internals:parse-alien-type (convert-foreign-type type-keyword) nil)) 8)) (defun %foreign-type-alignment (type-keyword) "Return the alignment in bytes of a foreign type." #+(and darwin ppc (not ppc64)) (case type-keyword ((:double :long-long :unsigned-long-long) (return-from %foreign-type-alignment 8))) ;; No override necessary for other types... (/ (sb-alien-internals:alien-type-alignment (sb-alien-internals:parse-alien-type (convert-foreign-type type-keyword) nil)) 8)) (defun foreign-funcall-type-and-args (args) "Return an SB-ALIEN function type for ARGS." (let ((return-type 'void)) (loop for (type arg) on args by #'cddr if arg collect (convert-foreign-type type) into types and collect arg into fargs else do (setf return-type (convert-foreign-type type)) finally (return (values types fargs return-type))))) (defmacro %%foreign-funcall (name types fargs rettype) "Internal guts of %FOREIGN-FUNCALL." `(alien-funcall (extern-alien ,name (function ,rettype ,@types)) ,@fargs)) (defmacro %foreign-funcall (name &rest args) "Perform a foreign function call, document it more later." (multiple-value-bind (types fargs rettype) (foreign-funcall-type-and-args args) `(%%foreign-funcall ,name ,types ,fargs ,rettype))) (defmacro %foreign-funcall-pointer (ptr &rest args) "Funcall a pointer to a foreign function." (multiple-value-bind (types fargs rettype) (foreign-funcall-type-and-args args) (with-unique-names (function) `(with-alien ((,function (* (function ,rettype ,@types)) ,ptr)) (alien-funcall ,function ,@fargs))))) ;;;# Callbacks ;;; The *CALLBACKS* hash table contains a direct mapping of CFFI ;;; callback names to SYSTEM-AREA-POINTERs obtained by ALIEN-LAMBDA. ;;; SBCL will maintain the addresses of the callbacks across saved ;;; images, so it is safe to store the pointers directly. (defvar *callbacks* (make-hash-table)) (defmacro %defcallback (name rettype arg-names arg-types &body body) `(setf (gethash ',name *callbacks*) (alien-sap (sb-alien::alien-lambda ,(convert-foreign-type rettype) ,(mapcar (lambda (sym type) (list sym (convert-foreign-type type))) arg-names arg-types) ,@body)))) (defun %callback (name) (or (gethash name *callbacks*) (error "Undefined callback: ~S" name))) ;;;# Loading and Closing Foreign Libraries (declaim (inline %load-foreign-library)) (defun %load-foreign-library (name) "Load the foreign library NAME." (load-shared-object name)) (defun %close-foreign-library (name) "Closes the foreign library NAME." (sb-alien::dlclose-or-lose (find name sb-alien::*shared-objects* :key #'sb-alien::shared-object-file :test #'string=))) ;;;# Foreign Globals (defun foreign-symbol-pointer (name) "Returns a pointer to a foreign symbol NAME." (let-when (address (sb-sys:find-foreign-symbol-address name)) (sb-sys:int-sap address))) ;;;# Finalizers (declaim (inline finalize)) (defun finalize (object function) "Pushes a new FUNCTION to the OBJECT's list of finalizers. FUNCTION should take no arguments. Returns OBJECT. For portability reasons, FUNCTION should not attempt to look at OBJECT by closing over it because, in some lisps, OBJECT will already have been garbage collected and is therefore not accessible when FUNCTION is invoked." (sb-ext:finalize object function)) (declaim (inline cancel-finalization)) (defun cancel-finalization (object) "Cancels all of OBJECT's finalizers, if any." (sb-ext:cancel-finalization object))