Dear List, I tried out CFFI on SBCL linux yesterday and would like to give some feedback. 1) On SBCL the rt package is named sb-rt. 2) The string callback test does not compile nor does the qsort callback test. 3) All the other tests run. I also have the following observations. * SBCL and CMUCL have alien integer types that can specify a number of bits. I have had success in optimizing lisp ffi by restricting values to xx bits so they can be immediately translated to fixnums. It seems a shame to lose this possiblity in a cffi. * I often need to allocate foreign objects and put them in a lisp struct. I would then want to run a finalizer if the struct gets garbage collected, to free the allocated memory. A nice interface to the finalizer functionality on different systems would be a great feature for cffi. Greetz Immanuel *************************************************************************** I can, I can't. Tubbs Tattsyrup -- Immanuel Litzroth Software Development Engineer Enfocus Software Antwerpsesteenweg 41-45 9000 Gent Belgium Voice: +32 9 269 23 90 Fax : +32 9 269 16 91 Email: Immanuell@enfocus.be web : www.enfocus.be ***************************************************************************