Hi, I'm finally able to spend some time on CFFI again, so I've been trying to get caught up with the excellent progress Luis has made on the CFFI type system. I think I'm starting to understand how the new type translator stuff works, but I'm a little wary of the :TO-C translation as used from callbacks. For example: (defcallback return-a-string :string () "Returns a string allocated in Lisp to C." (format nil "Hello, ~D." 42)) As Luis's comment in the C code portion of the callback tests indicates, C code that calls this callback has no reliable way to deallocate the memory allocated implicitly by the type translator. The only way to deallocate it is from Lisp via FOREIGN-STRING-FREE. I think this is probably not too bad if we document it very clearly, but it worries me. Making type translators not apply to the return value of callbacks would remove the possibility for a non-obvious memory leak here. Another option might be a :malloced-string type with a :TO-C translator that explicitly malloc's the buffer---or just specify that FOREIGN-STRING-ALLOC always uses malloc, I suppose. Obviously that wouldn't apply to possibly stack-allocated strings allocated by WITH-FOREIGN-STRING... In any other situation, it'd probably be better to use a result-type of :POINTER. Thoughts? James