22 Nov
22 Nov
4:03 p.m.
On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 1:36 AM, Greg Bennett <gwbennett@sentex.ca> wrote:
Suppose I have a set of c functions, and their .o files too, which I would like to wrap using defcfun and relatives.
You need to compile a shared library with those functions then load it via LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY.
What precautions must I take in making known to ccl the locations(s) of these foreign files ? Is it a bit like asdf with a *central-registry* to hold such locations, or have I missed some obvious pointer to the answer ?
Have a look at this description of how LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY works. Does it answer your questions? http://common-lisp.net/project/cffi/manual/html_node/load_002dforeign_002dli... -- Luís Oliveira http://kerno.org/~luis/