ok, back in action. my current task is to take my working acl/win32 openal demo (using CFFI bindings generated by vzn) and try running it under; Lispworks/win32 CLisp/win32 Corman Lisp/win32 other? Armed bear? ECL? GCL? and then: OpenMCL/OSX I may ask for others to try the code on various *nix platforms. Then I will review the documentation and test suite for completeness and make my CFFI-Luis evaluation (tho with time I would like to get a GLUT demo running to test callbacks). After that I will return to VZN and see if Rayiner has my OpenGL bindings problem resolved. I will also look at FTGL, a C++ library, then do my VZN evaluation. Did you gentlemen prepare student evaluations and forward them to Heow? I would like to see those so I know what you /think/ is there and so we can resolve any differences before getting to Google. Also, James, did you see my request for input on Luis's work? You have been the true mentor on that project, so I value your input. cheers, kenny