Hi, Martin Sorry, after trying (fli:size-of '(:long :long)), I found that my LispWorks already support long-long foreign type. I think I should just remove cffi-features:no-long-long feature in cffi-lispworks.lisp, at least for my personal use. By the way, with some trivial changes, I can compile the whole iolib package (heavily depends on cffi) in amd64 lispworks now. Thank for point out this. Martin Simmons wrote:
On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 01:48:27 +0800, Chun Tian (binghe) said:
Hi, CFFI Developers
I found that in AMD64 Linux, the long and long long type are both 8 bytes. Can I directly map CFFI's :long-long into LispWorks FLI's :long type to get support for long-long type? (This is need when I compile iolib package in amd64 LispWorks):
(defun convert-foreign-type (cffi-type) "Convert a CFFI type keyword to an FLI type." (ecase cffi-type (:char :byte) (:unsigned-char '(:unsigned :byte)) (:short :short) (:unsigned-short '(:unsigned :short)) (:int :int) (:unsigned-int '(:unsigned :int)) (:long :long) (:unsigned-long '(:unsigned :long)) #+amd64 (:long-long :long) #+amd64 (:unsigned-long-long '(:unsigned :long)) (:float :float) (:double :double) (:pointer :pointer) (:void :void)))
This is not quite right -- it should use the type long-long on the right-hand side. Also, it may be better to do this unconditionally, so it works on any LispWorks platform that supports it.