You might be disappointed (or pleased, perhaps) to see that someone (Tamas K. Papp, in particular) has already done this:
I feel a bit chagrined that I didn't find Papp's AAF before putting a lot of effort into my WAAF. I've looked at the differences between FFA and my WAAF. From my admittedly quick reading of the docs, FFA passes Lisp arrays to foreign land rather than copying for SBCL and maybe other Lisps. This involves suspending garbage collection. On the balance, I think that in an era of multithreaded 64 bit Lisps and relatively abundant memory, it is better not to mess with Lisp's internals (like suspending GC), and it is safer to allocate foreign memory and copy. eg, SBCL will pin arrays if you ask it, but I understand that this is done by globally suspending GC, which is not necessarily good when other threads are running. In fact, I was forced to write this after a multithreaded SBCL application froze mysteriously in foreign code with GC suspended. FFA apparently uses its own knowledge about individual Lisp implementations to decide whether to copy or pass lisp array addresses directly to foreign code. WAAF, on the other hand, knows only about CFFI, and infers all its knowledge from information exported by CFFI (like pointer sizes, if you want a pointer array). Most of the effort in WAAF is in the set of fast copying function macrology that minimizes the cost of copying to and from foreign memory. At any rate, I think it would be very useful to have some form of this functionality in CFFI, or in a visible user contrib section of it, because passing arrays to foreign code is a common but somewhat arduous and tricky task. John On Sep 11, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Mark Hoemmen wrote:
On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 18:38, JTK <jetmonk@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm using cffi, and I need to perform the common task of passing Lisp arrays to foreign code.
This task comes up a lot in scientific code, matrix math, image processing, etc.
Normally, it involves a lot of boilerplate to allocate a pointer, copy data Lisp to foreign memory, copy the data back, and deallocate the memory. Getting the copying to run fast can be tricky.
Hence I wrote a package to automate it.
You might be disappointed (or pleased, perhaps) to see that someone (Tamas K. Papp, in particular) has already done this: