"Luís" == Luís Oliveira <luismbo@gmail.com> writes: Luís> Jan Rychter <jan@rychter.com> writes: Apart from a plea for suggestions, this brings me back to my original question -- can we expect any support for anonymous callbacks (closures as callback functions) in CFFI, at least on SBCL to begin with?
Luís> I'm pretty sure we could support anonymous callbacks, on SBCL and Luís> CLISP anyway. Do any other Lisps support this? Quick googling of Lispworks and AllegroCL documentation seems to indicate that in both cases one defines externally callable functions with a macro. No mention of closures as callbacks. That would seem to indicate that at least in these cases it isn't supported, but one would have to ask the vendors to be sure. ECL has si::make-dynamic-callback and would be able to support this, in fact it seems that even defcallback expands to [...] `(si::make-dynamic-callback #'(ext::lambda-block ,name ,arg-names ,@body) ',name ',ret-type ',arg-types ,call-type))) [...] So, perhaps it is worth implementing as an optional feature. Hopefully other implementations will follow suit. --J.