Hi, Oliveira
2008/4/6 Chun Tian (binghe) <binghe.lisp@gmail.com>:
LWL64 5.0:
Cannot compile tests/foreign-globals.lisp, seems in somewhere the FLI:FORIEGN-TYPED-AREF been called for 64-bit integers which LW 5.0 cannot support where I have no idea. For details, see test-reports-5.0 in attach.
That's odd. What do these two forms output?
(hcl:compiler-macroexpand '(cffi:mem-ref ptr :char))
(hcl:compiler-macroexpand '(cffi:mem-ref ptr :long-long))
CL-USER 2 > (lisp-implementation-version) "5.0.2" CL-USER 3 > (lisp-implementation-type) "LispWorks" CL-USER 4 > (hcl:compiler-macroexpand '(cffi:mem-ref ptr :char)) (LOCALLY (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE (SPEED 3) (SAFETY 0))) (FLI:FOREIGN-TYPED-AREF '(SIGNED-BYTE 8) PTR (THE FIXNUM 0))) T CL-USER 5 > (hcl:compiler-macroexpand '(cffi:mem-ref ptr :long-long)) (CFFI-SYS:%MEM-REF PTR :LONG-LONG 0) T
Both 5.0 and 5.1 give me this result, I think it's OK:
CL-USER 6 > (cffi:with-foreign-string (s "abc") (cffi:foreign-string-to-lisp s)) "abc" 3
No such luck here:
CL-USER 5 : 1 > (cffi:with-foreign-string (s "abc") (cffi:foreign-string-to-lisp s))
Error: "��" is not of type SIMPLE-TEXT-STRING.
(lispworks-personal-5-0-1-x86-linux running on an AMD64)
Oh, I know this time. I set this in my LispWorks startup script: (set-default-character-element-type 'simple-char) Without this line, I'll also get a error: CL-USER 2 > (cffi:with-foreign-string (s "abc") (cffi:foreign-string-to-lisp s)) Error: "" is not of type SIMPLE-TEXT-STRING. 1 (abort) Return to level 0. 2 Restart top-level loop. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options CL-USER 3 : 1 > :bb #<The COMMON-LISP-USER package, 15/32 internal, 0/4 external> Condition: "" is not of type SIMPLE-TEXT-STRING. Call to ERROR (offset 80) SYSTEM::ESTRING : TYPE-ERROR SYSTEM::EARGS : (:EXPECTED-TYPE SIMPLE-TEXT-STRING :DATUM "") Call to CONDITIONS:TYPE-ERROR-FUNCTION (offset 42) Call to (SUBFUNCTION 3 (DEFVAR CFFI::*FOREIGN-STRING-MAPPINGS*)) (offset 451) BABEL-ENCODINGS::SRC : #<Pointer to type :BYTE = #x0050B450> BABEL-ENCODINGS::START : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::END : 3 BABEL-ENCODINGS::DEST : "" BABEL-ENCODINGS::D-START : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::U2 : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::U3 : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::U4 : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::U5 : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::U6 : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::DI : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::I : 0 BABEL-ENCODINGS::U1 : 97 DBG::G : 0 DBG::G : #\a Call to CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-TO-LISP (offset 652) CFFI::POINTER : #<Pointer to type :BYTE = #x0050B450> DBG::|rest-| : NIL CFFI::OFFSET : 0 COUNT : NIL CFFI::MAX-CHARS : NIL CFFI::ENCODING : :UTF-8 COUNT : 3 CFFI::MAPPING : #<BABEL-ENCODINGS::CONCRETE-MAPPING 40502DA4B3> CFFI::SIZE : 3 CFFI::NEW-END : 3 DBG::EXTRA-VALS : :DONT-KNOW STRING : "" Call to SYSTEM::%EVAL (offset 275) EXP : (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-TO-LISP S) Call to SYSTEM::%EVAL (offset 275) EXP : (PROGN (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-TO-LISP S)) Catch frame: "<* Catch All Object *>" Call to UNWIND-PROTECT (offset 116) SYSTEM::STUFF : ((PROGN (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-TO-LISP S)) (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-FREE S)) Call to SYSTEM::%EVAL (offset 275) EXP : (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROGN (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-TO-LISP S)) (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-FREE S)) Catch frame: #:DYNAMIC-BINDING-CONTOUR61376 Variable environment contour: () Call to MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (offset 1116) SYSTEM::X : ((S) (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-ALLOC "abc") (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROGN (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-TO-LISP S)) (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-FREE S))) Call to SYSTEM::%EVAL (offset 275) EXP : (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (S) (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-ALLOC "abc") (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROGN (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-TO-LISP S)) (CFFI:FOREIGN- STRING-FREE S))) Call to SYSTEM::%EVAL (offset 275) EXP : (CFFI:WITH-FOREIGN-STRING (S "abc") (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-TO- LISP S)) SYSTEM::%EVAL <- EVAL <- SYSTEM::DO-EVALUATION <- SYSTEM::%TOP-LEVEL-INTERNAL <- SYSTEM::%TOP-LEVEL <- SYSTEM::IN-START-FUNCTION-ONCE <- SYSTEM::IN-START-FUNCTION <- SYSTEM::START-FUNCTION T
-- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/